
80 Day Obsession – Day 66

Hit that alarm at 4am again today. My partner wasn’t feeling well again today. So, for the first time since we started 80 Day Obsession, I did the workout by myself! He still did it later in the day, while I was at work. But I needed to get it out of the way in the morning. I thought it was Cardio Core, and I was worried for my sore legs, but it was actually Total Body Core. I was relieved when I realized that. This workout also challenged my legs a couple times, but only a few moves. Again I felt stronger and went harder. However, the workout felt particularly challenging because I had just done the previous day’s workout less than 12 hours earlier. I did Wednesday’s workout around 7pm and then did Thursday’s workout around 6am.

I stayed on target with meals all day long. I’m loving being on the bumped up meal plan, and it doesn’t appear to be affecting my results.

Post workout garbanzo beans, veggies, and quinoa.
Veggies, more veggies, garbanzo beans, seeds, and an apple.