
80 Day Obsession – Day 56

On Saturday we again got up super early, after not a whole lot of sleep to make our workout happen. It was easier today than yesterday because we had gotten so much personal growth and motivation the first two days of Unleash the Power Within. We had gotten hooked into the internet so that we would be able to stream the workout in the gym. The gym was surprisingly crowded. Not completely full, but there were a good number of people there. We found a little spot for us to workout, close to the weights. I know I could have lifted bigger, but there were a lot of people using the weights, and it was a little difficult with the space that we had available. But I did the best I could under the circumstances and I still got the workout in. I didn’t let anything be an excuse to skip it. Today was AAA (Arms, Abs, and Ass) and it was good. Autumn put in way more compound moves, which was both great for building ourselves up, and also a challenge. That’s Autumn amping it up every phase!

We stuck to our food all day long, although I didn’t get pictures because we were so busy. We did however each eat one extra protein and veggie serving. We timed it to be a few hours after our last meal. Because the day is so long and because we got up early for our workout we were going from around 5am until after midnight, so it just felt necessary to eat a little extra to nourish ourselves.

Day 3 of Unleash the Power Within was unlike anything else you could ever experience. You break through your limiting beliefs and create a new path for your life (if you want to and are willing to). It is hard to explain exactly how this can change your life. It certainly helps in our mindset for working out, but really it helps us up level everything! I can’t recommend Tony’s events enough. He can enhance all of the best things that are already within you. I want to share so much about the amazing experience I had at the event, but it is so difficult to put into words. Honestly, I’d probably sound crazy trying to share the experience, you really have to be there.

Post workout!
The big meal.