Fitness Blog

80 Day Obsession – Day 62

It’s Saturday!! We got to sleep in. We got up around 7:30 this morning. We got our pre-workout breakfast in, and then got our booties to the gym for Booty day! I was able to lift even bigger than usual today! It felt amazing!

After our workout we had our Shakeology and hurried off to Costco to stock up on veggies and protein for our meals. We got home, and started to have a conversation about how hungry we’ve been on Phase 3. Because the workouts are so much more intense we are burning more calories! Right now we have been on a deficit nutrition plan, so that we can drop weight. But, I’ve been so hungry that, for the first time I’ve been thinking about cheating on the nutrition plan, and not cheating like eating extra veggies, but just going big and having something totally off the plan. So we decided it would be best to bump up to maintenance, which is designed to maintain our weight, but drop fat and build muscle along the way. So as of today we are starting to eat Plan C, except on rest day, when our bodies aren’t burning as many calories. On off day we’ll stay on Plan B. This isn’t Autumn’s suggestion, so I guess this is the one area where I am digressing from her plan.

We now get an extra green, purple and red throughout the course of the day. For Saturday it made the plan much more manageable. My hunger and cravings for less healthy foods dropped significantly. I feel really good about the shift, and think it is the right time to bump up our meal plan.

Today we took the day off from work. We did have one meal about 15-30 minutes late because we were out and about, and then there were roads shut down, and we weren’t able to get home in time. We also smuggled salad, cashews and dried fruit into the movie theater. We prepared tons of barley and quinoa to use for our yellows throughout the week. And other than that, we relaxed a bit for our day off (from work). Tomorrow is our day off from working out though. More on Monday.

Pre-workout veggie tofu scramble with toast.
Post workout boys with great booties.
Shakeology in action.
Early morning Costco run. Veggies, protein and bananas.
Post workout cooked and raw veggies, beans, quinoa.
Protein (beans and lentils) and veggies.
Salad with edamame.
Barley, beans and veggies. (red/green/yellow)