Fitness Blog

80 Day Obsession – Day 51

The beginning of Phase 3!!!! So much to tell you. First, check out my picks. Look at those mad crazy biceps. That picture doesn’t even come close to doing them justice. My biceps look and feel like they’ve grown to be huge. Though my measurements haven’t changed…. I think I may have dropped fat from them and added muscle. My before and now pics are amazing!!! I am totally obsessed with my results. This is why it is called 80 Day Obsession. Treat it like an obsession and you will be obsessed with your results. I’ve dropped about 6 pounds, over 3 inches on my waist and added muscle! I’m fitting into clothes that I couldn’t even get up past my butt 2 months ago! All this in less than 2 months. Wow! And check out my partner’s results! He dropped 10 pounds, and he was smaller than me to begin with.

I will literally do whatever Autumn tells me to do. That is what I’ve done so far, and it hasn’t steered me wrong for even a single moment. I don’t ask questions. I want her results, so I do what she says to do. And I am getting the results she promised. Easy as that.

So Phase 3 started today. But also a bit of a challenge. My partner and I are going to a Tony Robbins event this week. If any of you have ever been to a Tony Robbins event, you know that it starts early and goes late (I mean late, like one night we went until 2am at one of the events I was at). Obviously this presents a challenge both for working out and for fitting in meals. Plus we are starting a new phase, so these workouts are all new to us!! I spent Sunday watching the new workouts so I could figure out which ones would be most feasible for us to do on the road. I had to figure out which one’s would work best both time-wise and logistics-wise. A lot of hotel gyms have floors that aren’t compatible with our sliders, so I wanted as few slider exercise as possible while we are out of town. This week we are doing pretty much all of our workouts out of order, so that we can make it most manageable for our trip.

Today was AAA for everyone else, but it was Booty Day for us. Wow! Autumn really knows how to take it up a level in between phases. This really took us to the next level!! Sometimes I wonder how I am supposed to walk after doing these workouts. The moves were all new, so there was also a learning curve in figuring out how to do them. And I struggled to get some of them right. But I remember that being the case at the beginning of every phase, and by the end of the phase I’m doing great. So I trust I’ll get better over the next 4 weeks.

The new Phase is off to a great start. And I am so loving my results! I can’t stop talking (writing) about it!

My bicep. This picture doesn’t really do justice to how it looks these days! Amazing!
My Phase 2 Pictures.
My Phase 2 Pictures.
My Phase 2 Pictures.
My Phase 2 Measurements.
Matthew’s Phase 2 Pictures.
Matthew’s Phase 2 Pictures.
Matthew’s Phase 2 Pictures.
My Phase 2 Measurements.
Our modified workout schedule for the week.
Pre-workout breakfast. Lentils and black beans with veggies and toast with coconut oil.
I wanted to add tons of irrelevant cat photos, but I just gave you this one. She was rubbing on my head for like 15 minutes! So adorable.
Blue/green. Cashews with veggies. Obviously I didn’t eat the whole canister of cashews…. just 8 of them.
I took the stairs at the train station on leg day, because I’m Obsessed!
Big meal. Apple with seeds, black beans and lentils and veggies.
Coffee with xct oil. My oil for that meal.
Green/yellow – rice with veggies.
Post workout meal. Rice with black beans and lentils with veggies.
Vanilla Shakeology with frozen strawberries. Yum!
Our first workout of Phase 3! Legs! Wow. Autumn knows how to amp it up!
Sunday – Breakfast. Toast (yellow), mixed veggies (green), and lentils (red).
Sunday – veggies (green) and quinoa (yellow)
Just a fun picture of my cat Panda.
Sunday – “Pizza” – Lentil crust (red) marinara sauce (purple), veggies (green). This was pretty tasty.
Sunday – Veggies (green) and lentils (red).
Sunday – Food prepping for the week.