Fitness Blog

80 Day Obsession – Day 49

It’s Friday!!! Which doesn’t mean a whole lot for 80 Day Obsession because we workout on Saturday too. But still! Got up at 6am to get the workout in before work. This week I didn’t let me talk myself into going back to sleep. Last weeks after work workout was swarming with people in the gym. But not the 7am workout. We had the gym almost entirely to ourselves. Which was great. We really got to give the final Phase 2 AAA our all. Here was my struggle, we were back to 15 reps per set. And it’s not like these exercises are easy. Especially in AAA, we do compound, very compound moves. So one rep is like the equivalent of 3 reps in any normal workout, and you have to do that times 15!! Holy cow. I was wiped at the end of AAA. Seriously, my shoulders were hurting too. Too, meaning in addition to everything else in my body. I followed it up with hot, muscle relaxing shower, and a quick Shakeology before heading off to work.

At work there were Oreo cookies and other chocolate goodies. Little known fact, Oreos are actually vegan! But I resisted!! I just walked by. Ok, that’s not totally true, I stopped to take a picture so I could brag about not eating any of it. But other than that, I just walked by. Today was made up largely of scraping together all the last little bits of food in the fridge, and putting it together to make meals. But everything was actually pretty tasty, despite the fact that it was a mix of the leftover food in the fridge.

I’m not able to do morning workouts every day, but when I do I feel so good all day! Not that I don’t feel good on days when I do evening workouts, but there is just some extra boost of energy or adrenaline or something that comes when I do the morning workouts. Totally worth getting up at 6am, though you would’ve been hard pressed to convince me of that 5 weeks ago. My how life changes! Thank you Autumn and Beachbody!


Pre-workout breakfast. Lentils (red/protein), peppers, kale and spaghetti squash (green/veggies) and toast (yellow/carb).
Post workout! We’re getting so tiny!
Post workout. Quinoa (yellow/carb), garbanzo beans (red/protein), and assorted veggies (green)
This was out at the office… but I just kept walking (after I snapped this pic). I don’t need any of that.
Peppers, onions, and spaghetti squash (green/veggie) with quinoa (yellow/carb).
Big meal. Mexican-ish bowl. Refried beans (red/protein), peppers and onions (veggies/green), seeds (orange), and fruit (purple). The apple and pear were both very tiny so I ate both.
Peppers and spaghetti squash (green/veggie), and garbanzo beans (red/protein).
Carrots (green/veggie) and cashews (blue/healthy fat).
A little late night tea with the cat.