Fitness Blog

80 Day Obsession – Day 43

Friday morning. 6am. The alarm starts buzzing. We’ve gotten up at 6am every day this week, so I figured what’s one more day so that we can get the workout out of the way early. But… I just didn’t have it in me for one more day. We had no plans in the evening, so I knew it would be easy to move the workout to after work. So I got up, set the alarm for about 2 hours later and went back to sleep. Much needed sleep.

Got some pics of my food throughout the day at work. And a picture of my food planning note. We’ve had to adjust a little with me going to an office every day. I write down what time we’re going to eat what while I’m planning meals the night before. I leave the note for my partner so he remembers. And a take a picture of the note so I have the times with me at work, too. Plus I usually text my partner, he seems to be a little forgetful about eating.

I got home around 5:30, and we had each eaten our pre-workout meals at 4:30. It was time to change and get to the gym. Here’s the thing. Apparently, a lot of people workout right after work on Friday. So the gym was packed. At least for our gym. And everyone was by the weights. We actually ended up lifting bigger because so many people were using the weights. So I guess it worked out. It forced us to push ourselves. By the end of this workout I felt so much stronger. This was the moment where I not just felt the progression and saw it in how I look, but I really saw it in what I could do. I noticed it before, but this was really a moment of: wow, I just did that whole workout lifting those weights. I think it is setting in motion a whole new mindset to kick into gear for Phase 3 (which is only about a week away!).

The rest of Friday was a lazy evening. Laying around with my partner and our cats, and eating our post workout meal. Nothing too wild.


Kale with coconut milk in chai. Green/blue.
Part of trying to stick to the same schedule. Planning out every meal in the morning and taking a picture of our meals.
Big meal. Salad (green/veggies), seeds (orange), apple (purple/fruit), and garbanzo beans (red/protein).
Veggies (green) with lentils (red/protein).
Pre-workout: Veggies (green) with black beans and lentils (red/protein) and bread (yellow). It’s only supposed to be one slice of bread, but the ends are pretty small, so I did one and a half.
Post workout.
Post workout snuggles
Post workout meal. Lentils and tofu (red/protein) with green beans and broccoli (green/veggies). Not pictured rice (yellow/carb).