Fitness Blog

80 Day Obsession – Day 42

Just another busy day in a busy, super fulfilled life. I was up super early, and had to get to a meeting before I even went to work. Then I made my way to the office. I got to the office and remembered that I had scheduled to meet up with someone after work. I also needed to fit in my workout. Story of my life these days, how and when do I fit in my workout (including pre-workout meal and post workout meal).

I figured it all out. I’d eat about 20 minutes before I leave work, get home, change, hurry to the gym, shower, change, and get to the coffee shop where I was meeting my new friend.

It almost went off without a hitch. We got down to the gym, went to Beachbody on Demand, and it wasn’t working!!! OMG!!! This almost never happens. But here it was, it had happened. I was totally panicked. Now if you had told me 5 months ago that I’d be panicking about an excuse to skip a workout I would have told you that you were crazy. And yet, that is exactly what happened. It took about 20 minutes and the site came back up. So we got our workout done. Of course, this threw off my whole plan. There was no time left for showering or changing. So instead of stopping at home, I ran out of the gym in sweaty clothes and ran up the street to the coffee shop where I was meeting my new friend. Covered in sweat. Oh well. I explained that Beachbody on Demand was down and I didn’t have time to shower. We’ll see if the friendship lasts, he seemed to understand.

Other than that, food was mostly amazing today. We had veggies from our fresh box. You can see all vibrant colors in my salad. Yum! I’ve been forgetting some pictures, but doing my best to keep up with them. I am finding myself still hungry a lot. So I am struggling with how to tackle that, but I am sure I will figure it out. I am doing the weight loss, not the maintenance regime. This means I am purposely depriving myself of a small margin of calories to help with weight loss. If nothing else I can bump up to maintenance. The truth is, I don’t have a lot of weight to lose. I’ve slimmed down a lot, and continued to drop weight even as my muscles are visibly getting bigger.


Morning meal. Salad (green) with chai and coconut milk (blue)
Chai with coconut milk
Big meal. Apple (purple), seeds (orange), veggies (green) and lentils (red)
Post workout. Might be just legs, but boy was I sweaty.
Barely remembered my pic of Shakeology.
Post workout. Stuffed pepper. Lentils and rice (red and yellow) with pepper (green). It didn’t fit in the pepper, and I didn’t bake it, so it was only ok.
Last meal. Reed/green. Veggie burger with veggies (a mixture of the last fresh veggies plus frozen veggies).